Web Design Tips To Boost Conversion Rate of Your Website

Anirudh Bhardwaj | 1st March 2018

The prime objective of creating a website is to attract customers from around the globe and increase the website conversion rate. A conversion can be anything, depending on the goals set by the website owner. It can be a lead, a sign-up or a form completion. There are different ways to prompt a call to action on a website. Most websites use pop-ups to prompt the users to fill out a form or use the live chat facility. But the thing is, even if you have an exceptionally good USP, the users won’t cling to your website if it lacks creativity in any manner.

If at any time, you notice that your website visitors are declining in numbers or your conversion rate is not as high as it used to be, you can possibly fix all this by making small changes to your website design. Following are some simple web design tweaks you can try to boost the conversion rate of your website.

Essential Web Design Tips To Boost Conversion Rate:

Call To Action:

If your conversion rate is declining for no specific reason, then chances are your call to action (CTA) isn’t good enough. The CTA guides a user towards the completion of a specific goal defined by the website owner. It’s a part of the marketing strategy that is designed to get an immediate response from the targeted users. Creating an effective CTA should be the topmost priority of a website owner since it directly impacts the conversion rate. There are several things to keep in mind.

Don’t make it too confusing. If you’re adding too much info in your CTA, then your users will only get confused. The worse can be, they may want to consider the other options.

Instead of making them more descriptive, try to make your CTAs short and crisp. Some ideal examples are Contact us. Learn more. Continue etc. Also, make your CTAs easy to find. Try to make use of bright colors, animated buttons, and unique typography.

Simplicity In Web Design:

This has been quite controversial. There have been all sorts of arguments about whether a web design should be simple, swanky or artistic. Talking about simplicity, there’s no doubt it’s important for a website’s success. While some people will contradict, it is always recommended to keep your website as simple as you can. It’s a proven fact that the human mind is more adaptable to simplicity. So, it is always advisable to keep the website simple in terms of design, content, images, icons, and typography.

Make Your Forms Short & Simple

Many times, a website owner sets a goal to fill up a form which leads to a conversion. It can be helpful in obtaining the significant user data which may further be used to improve the user experience. Besides, if the users are filling up these forms on your website, then it’s obvious that they are particularly interested in your services and your USP.

As it turns out, the users refrain from filling up these forms most of the time as they are long, tedious and irritating sometimes. Consequently, obtaining a conversion through these forms is not that simple.

Always try to keep the forms short and simple. For instance, always ask for the requisite information and if possible, leave no optional fields (most users are going to ignore this anyway). It would help a lot if you can implement predictive text on your website. Doing that would auto-fill some necessary fields like Addresses, Locations, Names and Mail IDs. So these are some changes you can make in your website design to boost your conversion rate. If you’ve got some other ideas, share them in the comment section below.


For any business, revenue is an important thing. And in website development, if your conversion rates are not high or not increasing then how your company will grow, how it’ll get the return on investments. Because of this issue, every company has to work on their CTA, they have to create or mold their business strategy to make their CTA quick. The forms which users have to fill must be short and crisp because if it’s not done in this way the user will definitely run from it. Here, in Oodles Studio, we’ll take care of each and every perspective of website development.

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Anirudh Bhardwaj

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