Colors are very important part of design, I tell you how it’s very important for design, when you design a website or mobile app or banner anything related to the design first you have to create a logo if it’s not created if created then you have to pick that logo color combination for that particular product.
If you start design from the scratch that means you have to create a logo first and the start of the designs, then color’s play a important role in the design you have to understand the requirement or the nature of business and the client or company dealing with, once to done with this thing then start thinking about the design and color, if that is a service base company then you can go with blue color or if the company is like education then you can go with blue or green and if you are dealing with food kind of thing then you have to go for red or orange color because both colors are symbol of hot and spicy and some kind of fresh also.
Colors are that much important in our design that if we choose the wrong color then it may possible that our brand will not grow or our product site, app will not achieve that goal which we decided in our mind because when you chose the peaceful color in your design only then you can attract the people or you can say, users. It’s my personal experience that if your brand logo and design are perfect then it’s very easy to promote that brand and product. So my advice is to design your logo or website, app both very simple colour or easy to remember so that user can’t forget the logo once he/she saw it the first time. I hope you will be satisfied with all these things which I shared with you all.