A lot has been talked about Google Font in recent years considering their numerous design applications. In a fresh redesign update, Google Font saw numerous improvements over previous font designs. Google’s directory comprising of free web fonts now allows designers to customize and share fonts with their colleagues and it also allows them to collaborate on fonts with the designer who actually designed the font.
On their official Twitter stream, Google Fonts announced the introduction of its new look that would certainly smooth up the browsing of new fonts. These fonts are now easily accessible to users that require lucrative fonts for their new websites. The contrast is easily notable while you compare old Google Fonts to the new one. The new fonts do not muddle, and possess dense color providing a clean user experience.
Another contrasting feature of new Google Fonts include card based design to show off Google’s family of open-source fonts while old version showcased typefaces in rectangular boxes. This has added some convenience to the designers, developers and the users to navigate through the site to look for the appropriate fonts.
Some Other Improvements:-
Minimalism- The new font features less navigation as compared to old design. Earlier, navigation bar allowed designers to see variety of typefaces in action based on words, sentences, paragraphs etc. All such features have been removed in the new fonts. Designers now only get to see display choices while hovering the cursor on the actual font cards. The new feature includes drop-down boxes for previewing text and styles.
Moreover, the size-selection box has also been discarded and single slider is present in every card. Also, the filters relating to various categories and one that was used for sorting the fonts have shifted to the right sidebar from the left sidebar.
Colors- Considering various aspects of its Material Design, Google has also added more color to its Fonts. The old font design focussed on using blue and white colors that effectively used white space. However, the updated design now allows users to pick specific color scheme. Most of the color schemes display optimized contrast. However, some background colors are seen to have worked better than the others.
User Experience- Ultimately, it’s user experience that matters. Google Fonts have seen too many improvements in the UX. Whenever designers have to look for a font, they can directly click on “see specimen” to be redirected to a new page that describes all the font particulars and the information about the typeface designer. But in the old version of fonts, popup windows were employed to display the same information.
Overall, the update in font must please designers who loves hassle-free experience while opting for fonts in their design projects. The new fonts are clean and distinctive that provides smooth User Experience.