Combining AI with UI to Build Intuitive Digital Designs

Sanam Malhotra | 7th July 2019

Artificial intelligence is poised to transform the way we interact with the digital world. The influence of AI in digital interfaces occurred in the mid-90s. ‘Clippy’, Microsoft’s animated paperclip help assistant is the first classic example of an Intelligent User Interface. Clippy first appeared in Microsoft’s Windows 97 operating system. An Intelligent UI or IUI refers to a digital interface that uses some aspect of artificial intelligence to enhance the user experience. Google Assistant, Siri, and Cortana reflect current advancements of AI in UI. Today, nearly half of US adults (46%)* use voice assistants to interact with smart devices. It calls for web design service providers to unlock the potential of AI in UI for maximum user experience.


This blog post highlights effective mechanisms for building intuitive and engaging  UX designs with Artificial Intelligence.


The Current State of Artificial Intelligence in UI

The AI algorithms underlying digital interfaces extract user knowledge and behavior using big data analytics to generate contextual responses. Accenture’s recent statistics** show a significant customer engagement observed by leading businesses that use AI-powered interactive interfaces.


The most common use of artificial intelligence technologies to improve UX are-

1) Voice Assistants

There are two types of voice-based digital interfaces. One interface requires both voice and screen touch inputs to work, for example, Google Assistant and Siri. However, the other type is a voice-first system, such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

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Although voice-interactions are gaining momentum, customer experience is fragmented as it requires continuous user inputs to complete the task.


2) Recommendation Systems

They provide related search results, movie and video recommendations, and products. Likewise, it curates information from the user’s most recent activities with the interface to drop suggestions.


3) Personalization

Furthermore, AI is used to interpret users’ online interests and preferences. The data is used to design online advertisement campaigns, news, special offers, and other personalized content to attract user attention. Google’s 2017 Economic Report* estimates that for every $1 that businesses spend on Google Ads, they recieve $8  as ROI. AI-based AdWord technologies are pushing the limits even further.


Effective UX Guidelines to Integrate AI in Digital Design

1) Improved Recommendations

Today more than ever, users are taking control of their data and online privacy. It has become critical for analytics companies to cautiously use consumer data and be transparent about it. A website design company should use accurate algorithms to extract data while keeping end-users informed.

For instance, Netflix uses the most engaging and transparent recommendation methodology.

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It informs the user about the inputs that the system uses to align the recommendations. Such recommendation models increase user satisfaction significantly.


2) Efficient Voice-interactions and Chatbot Services

Interactive voice-based interfaces involve accurate language recognition models to identify user needs through audio inputs. NLP or Natural Language Processing is the mechanism for enhancing the system’s ability to understand user requirements.


The AI-based technology, NLP, is integrated into Chatbots for human experience. It enables chatbots to answer a variety of user queries and respond with contextual answers. However, common chatbots generally get unresponsive if tested with unusual questions. NLP adds the missing Intelligence Quotient to the chatbots for understanding and providing meaningful answers to user’s contextual questions.


AI web design servicesFor instance, Grammarly’s AI system combines machine learning with a variety of natural language processing approaches.


It is critical for online service providers to attend user queries in a mindful manner. Therefore, UX designers must determine that the interface accurately respond to the diverse users.

Rebecca Bedrossian, Global Content Director of POSSIBLE, shared her insights about what new skills do UX design service providers need to build conversational UIs. According to her, “Having a solid background in comparative literature, anthropology, comparative religion, and other languages is critically important when designing conversational UIs.”


AI-powered Web Design Services for Digital Businesses

There are infinite opportunities for digital businesses to expand their brand recognition with AI. The futuristic market will enable customers to connect with brands through AI-based systems.

Oodles Studio has  a pool of skilled UX researchers and designers who design intelligent user interfaces for multiple industry businesses. Talk to our UX design team for building interactive and engaging digital interfaces for your business.


You may also like to read- 10 UX Research Techniques and their Significance



Image Source- Netflix App, Google

About Author


Sanam Malhotra

Sanam is a technical writer at Oodles, covering UI/UX, AI, machine learning, and other digital subject matters. Her writings for Oodles Studio stretches from design principles to engaging mobile applications. Fascinated by the scope of web UI/UX, she explores how businesses can reinforce their brand personalities using next-gen tools and technologies.

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