What is gamification?
“Gamification” word is always mistaken when we see it in the design context. Although these terms are hardly related to each other. They are opposite in many aspects. In the technical word, gamification means the technique adding game principals into the non-game environment. We can see very commonly in mobile application and web application. For example, if we want our users to let them perform more interactive with our products, then we need to integrate game elements “challenge”. They can be challenged to perform the action and they must be awarded points for this. The picture is that users must be set with the clear-cut goal and after its achievements, they must be awarded points. Like this, users will be influenced and they will perform more activity. They will feel like the player.
Points of Game mechanism for UX enhancement:-
It’s a complicated design technique, which requires more interaction game mechanics referring to the interactive UI elements. The main challenge for UX designer is not to turn the application into the game but to create interactiveness with the game mechanism.
The points to make the challenge more interactive and interesting is the challenge. There must be the presentation of rewards in terms of badges and pints can increase user’s enthusiasm. That’s why this game element is recommended to be applied very carefully.
Badges and stickers:-
When players complete the challenge or gather a certain number of points, they should be awarded the badges. As like we can see commonly in video games virtual rewards points. The stickers and badges should be given more room for the creative experience. Such rewards points will add the drive of motivation.
This is human nature that we take challenges and we manage to handle them very skillfully. So, the challenge is taken to be one of the most important game elements motivating users to take action which can be a great tool and techniques on the way for UX improvement.