The task for choosing fonts is a confusing process for many designers. Choosing a good font is a good start for making text neat. However, making this choice may be difficult because of the endless number of fonts that are available. Every font has its own personality and characteristics. It is very crucial part of choosing a font for your brand because then it has to reflect the personality of your brand.
In any design, typeface selection needs to be a result of very productive thinking. Sometimes it is not necessary that it will convey the right brand message to the audience. Also, there are chances that your client might not like the typeface, according to him he wants something straight yet classy typography that should be easily understood and attracted by his audience. If in any case you convince your client about the typeface but the design won’t do its job, it doesn’t have that much impact on the audience. Then you will not be able to do justice to the design.
Your main motive in choosing a font for a design is that it should keep pace with the message or purpose of your design. Before exploring more fonts or downloading them, your mind should be clear about the qualities and characteristics that you want your design to communicate. This is very important perspective because every design type has its own personality, it can be elegant, funny, serious, etc. You are the one who needs to understand which particular font is suitable for the design. There are various font styles including its boldness, static, thin. You might also work on pairing fonts by using different font style to help compare and contrast. Be careful not to let things get too uniform.
I hope my above knowledge will help you always to choose the right font for your design.