First of all, let’s discuss what is creativity. For me, creativity is the thinking skill that makes you slightly different from others. If you are a creative person than you will see every problem like a new opportunity. Not only in designing but creativity will also help you out in your daily life problems. But let me clear one thing very clearly It is not a gift you get from a day of your birth. Actually, this is a state of mind which you achieve by putting lots of hours of hard work into in concern field of work or activity. And a state of mind can be faded by passing time if you are not fueling it.
So let’s talk about how creativity can help you out:
Creativity gives you flexibility:
Today in any office you will feel one thing in common you have to do hard work to achieve your goals and target. Now here Creativity can help you as one of the goods of being creative is you become more focused than others.So you can work more freely on multiple tasks as you are so focused on every task.
Creativity increase productivity:
Being creative means you have a better approach towards problems that means you can bring solutions to problems quickly than others so you will ultimately be more productive than others because you have the ability to do more quality work in less time.
keeping you ahead in competition:
Today competition is everywhere no matter what is your field of work you will find people besides you trying to take over You but creativity will make you different than other. You will pass them easily if you are creative enough.
Creativity keeps you motivated:
One of the common problems found among designers is that after some years of work they get bored with their job the reason behind its lack of fun in work. but a creative designer is completely different than others they always keep them motivated and focused on finding their passion in doing things in their own way.