The meaning of POS is point of sale, POS system is a app which is to design for counter men or you can say that used in a cash counter, POS system is a app in which counter men will make a bill and add your items in a bill and take cash or credit card this whole process can be done on the app which is touch screen, now let’s talk about UX of the POS system, first thing is to know which kind of business is this then decide the flow of the app, it contain login facility and check in or check out feature for the counter men, if you want to keep an eye on the counter men then add detail section to know about the incoming or outgoing of money, one more thing to keep in mind that design a POS system in which you can click easily for that you can create large button so that user can click easily, you can also check references online you can see one similar concept which is large buttons, don’t start design without confirmed the UX of the POS, try to bring the buttons on the home or mail screen because the counter men had to generate the bill very quickly if the buttons are on the menu bar or on the other screen it can be more time taking for the counter to generate the bill, you to think as a customer and also you have to think as a manager to if you do so it will help you to make it on very simple, mostly POS is design for iPad but it can be design for other OS also, these are some points which i think help you to design and think easily make a simple design but do some creativity too.
I hope this will help you.