The Impact Of Virtual Reality On Mobile Apps Design
Virtual Reality(VR) is the new thing to explore. The tech geeks seem to be quite enthusiastic about the application of VR in mobile app design. VR technology is all set to push the usability of mobile apps to the next level by providing smooth user interaction and uplifting the mobile user experience like never before. Here, we shall take a small tour on how VR can have an impact on the mobile app design and also explore some of the practices followed by the app design companies in Virtual Reality Applications.
Designing For Virtual Reality
The major difference between the 2D and 3D design is that in 2D design, you tend to work under the assumption that you have the option to move and maximize your screen and windows to a certain distance in any direction, in case of desktop application. However, in mobile app design, you do not have such options to modify the windows.
However, in Virtual Reality or in 3D, there is no such limitation. There is no box where you need to adjust each and every component of UI. It is an infinite expanse with endless possibilities. And so you need to change the way you think about designing and developing UI.
What Is The New Design Approach For VR?
When we talk about 2D design, we focus on x and y. While in 3D, you have to consider z-axis as well, which helps to add depth. So, basically, things are not only limited to higher or lower than each other, but they can be further moved forward and backward.
Unlike 2D space, VR leaves much room for app designers as in all the design applications, the aim is to treat users with more of graphics and lively content. The application of Virtual Reality in designing mobile app will make it possible allowing mobile users to dive into the world of 3D reality. The Android users have already started to experience the Virtual Reality through the VR headsets and very soon, a large number of mobile devices may incorporate VR functionality.
The Google Cardboard For Virtual Reality
VR lovers must have come across Google Cardboard which is a complete virtual reality platform. It was launched by Google in 2014. The Google Cardboard hardware uses low-cost viewers, with the reference design made up of foldable cardboard features 45mm plastic lens and a magnet. It allows a number of phones to be slipped into the cardboard to experience VR. The advantage of Google Cardboard is that it has a support of a large number of display sizes and provides room for mobile app designers to easily adapt to the Google Cardboard configuration.