The primary objective of HTML was to present information in a simple way which was actually intended for sharing scientific documents and research papers online. However, as the internet grew, HTML played a major role in web designing and was mainly used for the web presentation and multimedia. However, there were some formatting issues and as a result, CSS came into the play. HTML sees wide applications in all sorts of web or mobile app development. Moreover, it helps designers and fron-tend developers to carry design tasks with ease.
So, to enhance the presentation capabilities of HTML, World Wide Consortium’s introduced CSS. It had overcome the limitations of HTML and allowed designers to define the look and feel of the web pages by separating content from document’s layout. CSS made it quite easy to specify various components of web pages such as font on the page, the size of the text, define columns, and formatting choices etc. It basically allows you to control the overall appearance of the web pages.
Now, take a look at some of the highlighting features that make it one of the best design choices.
- Consistency And Flexibility- Any small change in the style sheet can bring changes automatically to the every page of your website. So, CSS is even more useful for websites having a large number of pages. Apart from saving bunch of time, it also ensures that your page looks consistent throughout with similar styling.
- Bandwidth Reduction, Faster Website- Another advantage is that it reduces the file transfer size when it separates the content of the website from its design language. It means that the CSS documents are stored externally and can only be accessed when a visitor requests your website.
- Search Engine Friendly Websites- CSS codes are considered to be clean and are easily interpretable, which allows search engines to easily read its content. It helps your website by generating more content than code which makes your website more friendly to the search engines. Perhaps, such websites are easily crawled and indexed in the search engine database.
- Browser And Device Compatibility- A number of devices and browsers are being used for accessing the content of the websites. This might often lead a website being inappropriately displayed on the screen. But if your website is designed using Cascading stylesheets, it increases the website adaptability ensuring more visitors to visit your site.
- Better Than HTML- CSS goes far beyond the presentation capabilities of HTML incorporating improved better presentation look to the HTML pages. The attributes are found in a wide range in CSS allowing varied and detailed specificait hions to its elements.
CSS undoubtedly is one of the best designing options for websites at the present time. There have been numerous upgrades in its version . However, at present times, both CSS3 and HTML5 have been in the trend of web design possessing their class apart features.